Train the trainer


As a trainer you are challenged each time to inspire your trainees to learn. Of course, you already have knowledge and experience but you also realise that more is needed to become a successful trainer. What that is, and how you can develop it, is central to this training.


Dynamo shows a goal orientated training approach that leads to higher learning efficiency. We start from your personal training style which we sharpen and improve. In addition we give the basic principles of knowledge transfer and teach you to train in a natural way.

After this training you are able to answer the following questions:

  • How do I better prepare a training? (teaching objectives – teaching methods – interaction – learning styles)
  • How do I deal with stage fright and unforeseen circumstances?
  • How do I get the attention, even when there is scepticism within the group?
  • How do I deal with difficult situations? (difficult questions – critique – disinterest)
  • Target group

    All employers who regularly give internal or external training

    Please note: in this module, we look at training people, where learning in a group is an essential part.


    2 days

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