Aggression on the workplace

aggression only moves in one direction – it creates more aggression


It is very common for employees nowadays to be confronted with arrogant and/or aggressive behaviour which is very intimidating. The consequences of such aggressive conduct may result on the one hand in a lack of self-confidence of employees shown in higher absenteeism, lower self-esteem and demotivation, and on the other hand negative publicity for present and future clients. Aggressive behaviour needs prompt action because of these undesirable affects both in work and in private life.


This training gives a constructive way of dealing with aggression in the workplace. We use professional actors to make realistic role-plays. Through this simulated practice the trainees receive very practical help. The emphasis is on teaching specific skills that are immediately usable in practice.

After this training you are able to answer the following questions:

  • What causes an increase of aggression?
  • How do I recognise the initial signs of aggressive behaviour?
  • How can I stop aggressive behaviour getting worse?
  • What mental attitudes will help me?
  • How do I deal with personal negative criticism as well as criticism against the organisation?
  • When and how do I turn for extra help?
  • Target group

    Each employee who is interested in the subject, those dealing with third parties and also those wishing to control their own aggression.


    1 or 2 days

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