I Communicator

communication is not only what is said and meant but also what the other understands you to mean


‘All is communication’ is a saying often used by people when they are working together. Whether you lead a team or are a member of one, communication is always needed to fulfil the given tasks. Sometimes we are aware how we interact but often we are not.


This training offers the necessary insight and guidelines for clear and effective communication. It teaches participants to understand their communication and negotiation skills. If needed, also how to increase and create such a team where individual and company results are important. Trainees obtain awareness in group dynamics and learn to work together in motivated cooperation to achieve success in spite of frustrations and obstacles.

After this training you are able to answer the following questions:

  • How can I be clearer in what I want to communicate?
  • How can I properly listen and ask the right questions?
  • How does communication work in a team and in a group?
  • Communication misunderstandings: how do I handle this and find the best solutions?
  • Target group

    All employees who have constant internal and external contacts


    1 or 2 days

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