
assertiveness is not what you do, it’s who you are! (s. gawain)


The work quality and performance are strongly influenced by the degree of cooperation in an organisation. As we wish to avoid conflicts and tensions, it is often difficult to refuse a request from our manager or colleague, even if we are already too busy. How can you accomplish your own tasks without making it difficult for yourself or others?


In this training we teach the participants how to improve their communication skills so that they can express their opinion more freely. We explore what assertiveness is and how to show this appropriately. The participants learn how to recognise and to express differing positive assertive behaviour in their own organisation.

After this training you are able to answer the following questions:

  • How assertive am I being now?
  • How do I assert myself without offending others?
  • How I can build up my self-confidence?
  • How can I deal with my feelings of guilt when I say ‘no’?
  • Target group

    All employees who work in a department or team.


    2 days or 1 day + feedback centre

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